book your first client

How to Book Your First Client as a New Service Provider

March 10, 2024

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I am an online educator, business coach, award-winning website designer, and a homeschooling girl mom. With over 15 years of experience as a website designer and online educator, I have guided hundreds of people to help them achieve their biggest and boldest dreams and I'm here to support you!
Hi, I'm Erin

Launching your own business and leaving a steady job can be one of the most intimidating things you’ll ever do. I know because I did it a couple of years ago when I put in my two weeks notice and started my own website design business. It was so nervewracking, but I decided to take the leap, be courageous, and do it anyway! And if you’re reading this I know you can do it too. I had the same fear, the same uncertainty, and imposter syndrome you’re probably feeling right now. And one of my biggest questions was “how do I even book a client?” In this article, I want to share with you the three things I did in those first few weeks that helped me land my first four clients.

Build a Landing Page

The first thing I did was build myself a landing page. It was a simple page where I could share a little bit about myself, who I wanted to serve, and how to get in touch with me to book a website package. Before creating the landing page, I took the time to identify my target audience and the packages I would be offering. So make sure you do that first. But creating a simple place for potential clients to reach out to you is essential when first launching a business, otherwise those leads could get lost.

Spread the Word

While I was still working my job, I started spreading the word about my new business. I emailed friends and family members, updated my Instagram profile, changed my email signature, and even joined local Facebook groups to share my story. I talked about how I had just put in my two weeks notice and was launching my own business, offering a discount to the first few clients. One Facebook post alone resulted in my first four clients. Forty women commented on the post, expressing their support and interest in working with me. It’s important to make it clear to your network how they can support you, whether it’s through referrals or becoming a client themselves.

Showcase Your Value

Another important step I took was showcasing my value. I did this by providing free content on my blog, YouTube channel, and social media platforms. I offered insider tips based on my skill set and gave away free calls, audits, and guides. By demonstrating the value I could bring to potential clients, I was able to build trust and credibility. This initial free content eventually turned into paying clients. So consider what you can offer to your audience to showcase your value and help them begin to know/like/trust you.

Book Your First Client!

Figuring out how to book your first client can be intimidating, but by following these three steps, you can increase your chances of success. Create a place for people to get in touch with you, whether it’s a landing page, website, or contact form. Spread the word about your new venture to your network and ask for their support. Lastly, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and showcase your value through free content. By taking these steps, you’ll be well on your way to attracting clients and growing your business!

If you’re new to business and looking for some support, check out my free resources page to access free trainings and guides to help you get started.

I also invite you to book a free strategy call with me so we can discuss your big dreams and goals and see how we can get you there faster.

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