



Ivy Lynne Studio

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How to Start a Blog as a Small Business Owner

January 15, 2024

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Hi, I'm Erin

Let’s make 2024 the year you get started on a blog! Blogging as a business owner is an essential way to grow your business and achieve your goals. Creating a blog may feel like an intimidating process, and maybe you’re wondering how on earth you will ever have time to keep up with a blog. It’s possible you’re not sure it’s even worth it at all!

As someone who has blogged personally and professionally for over a decade, let me assure you it is. The stats don’t lie. Websites with blogs attract 55% more traffic. Your website should be working overtime for you to gain you more traffic, more eyeballs, more leads, and more clients! Here are the five steps you need to take to create your blog.

Five Steps To Start Your Blog

  1. Identify Your Niche
    • Based on your industry, you’re going to want to get specific on exactly what value you can bring, so it’s not too broad. You will typically want 3-5 content pillars (or topics) that you alternate through. The more specific these are, the better! You don’t want to start a brand new blog by attempting to break into an oversaturated market. Consider a unique angle you can write about in your industry to help you stand apart.
  2. Pick Your Platform (If your website doesn’t already offer a blog)
    • Some of the most popular blogging platforms include WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix. I personally use WordPress which integrates seamlessly with Showit.
  3. Design Your Blog
    • You may want to DIY your blog or hire an expert to help you set it up. WordPress and Showit offer many themes you can choose from to get started! I also love Tonic’s themes as well.
  4. Craft a Content Calendar
    • Blogging is most effective when done consistently. Create a realistic plan and batch content when possible (and tie it to specific objectives to your business goals!) I recommend starting with two-four blogs/month and increasing from there as it makes sense.
  5. Drive Traffic to your Blog
    • You will want to promote your blogs on your email list,, social media and Pinterest. It’s important to optimize your blogs for visibility on google. The more hyper-focused your topics, the more likely you are to rank! There are many tools out there that can help you identify the best keywords to build into your blog to help you rank. A few to check out our Google Keyword Planner or SEMRush.

Are You Ready to Get Blogging?

I hope this guide helps you understand where to get started when it comes to create a blog. If you’d like more information I invite you to join my free workshop to learn more detailed instructions when it comes to creating (and maintaining) a successful blog.

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