



Ivy Lynne Studio

creating your offers as a service provider

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Here I share all things branding, website design, SEO, entrepreneurship, and so much more. You can expect helpful, actionable advice to improve your web presence and client experience!

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When it comes to creating offers as a new service provider, remember less is more, simpler is better. Learn w

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creating your offers as a service provider


The Key to Creating Your Offers as a Service Provider 

When it comes to creating offers as a new service provider, remember less is more, simpler is better. Learn w


Is Niching Down Important?

Discover the importance of niching down as an entrepreneur and a few considerations to help you.

prepare for a website


How to Prepare for a Website Like an Expert

These are the three steps everyone should take to prepare for a website like an expert.

book your first client


How to Book Your First Client as a New Service Provider

In this article I discuss the three essential steps you can take to quit your job and book your first client.

Business Idea


How to Find Your Business Idea

Ask yourself these questions if you’re not sure what you’re passionate about when it comes to launching a business idea.

Employee to Entrepreneur


3 Steps to Go From Unfulfilled Employee to Entrepreneur

Let’s explore the three steps you can take to start working on going from an unfulfilled employee to entrepreneur.

Passion into a Profit


5 Steps to Turn Passion Into A Profit 

Here are five steps you can take to begin turning your passion into a profit.

starting a business


Three Things I’d Do Differently If Starting A Business Today

Reflecting on my entrepreneurial journey, there are three key things I would do differently if I were to start my business all over again

white ceramic mug on white table


How to Start a Blog as a Small Business Owner

Let’s make 2024 the year you get started on a blog! Blogging as a business owner is an essential way to grow your business and achieve your goals. Creating a blog may feel like an intimidating process, and maybe you’re wondering how on earth you will ever have time to keep up with a blog. […]

repurpose content, content strategy, blogging


How to Repurpose Content for Maximum Reach

Creating content is a huge time suck for many small business owners. Most of us understand the importance of creating content across platforms to share our message, attract aligned clients, and expand our reach. But as a mom of two toddlers and solo business owner, I understand how challenging it can be to make space […]

Let's Make Your Website Feel Like

Ivy Lynne Studio, located in charming Charleston, SC, offers a seamless, efficient, and peaceful website creation experience to help entrepreneurs showcase their unique gift and attract their dream clients.

let's work together
